Our Membership
​New York State Bones, Inc. (NYS Bones) is the only statewide non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational programs and informational resources specific to the needs and concerns of Orthopaedic Administrators and key practice managers.
We are a diverse group of orthopaedic practice administrators working in a variety of settings throughout New York, New Jersey and Connecticut who share common issues and concerns.
Every day we preside over a beehive of activity. One must be a master of all trades when it comes to managing a medical practice.
We are responsible for the oversight of finances, accounting, information technology and management, clinical operations, contract negotiating, facility management and human resources, just to name a few. Somehow we manage to get the job done.

Networking Peer to Peer
Networking with your peer group is invaluable. The more we ask members where they go for advice on running a practice, the more we find it is from other experienced practice managers. When we utilize our experience as an organization we improve every individual’s capacity to manage.
This opportunity presents itself daily on our list serve, during our annual conference, during our quarterly lunch and learns. By being a member you have access to contact other members regarding their experiences.
Member on-line List Serve
For Members Only to facilitate immediate member-to-member communication about key issues facing practices, a forum for sharing ideas, and informational updates about useful tools and references.
You send out a question or a suggestion or ask for a comment. Usually within an hour, you will hear back from another peer who is looking for the same answers, or possibly can offer suggestions.
This has been helpful to assist in all areas of practice management, including vendor choices, Insurance reimbursement options, and recent legislative updates, to name a few.